While many patients believe they have food allergies, it’s possible that they are actually dealing with food intolerance.

It is important to seek medical advice if you think you have food allergy or intolerance before starting diet changes and excluding foods from your diet.

All tests to diagnose food allergy/intolerance/sensitivity are available at HSMC. Some of the food intolerance tests to assist patients in identifying sensitivities and allergies:

  • Gluten Intolerance Blood Tests: High sensitivity with three markers available.
  • Lactose Intolerance Breath Test: Moderate sensitivity.
  • Fructose Intolerance Breath Test: Moderate sensitivity.
  • Glucose Intolerance Breath Test: Moderate sensitivity, for SIBO and leaky gut syndrome diagnosis.
  • IgE Food Panel Blood Test: Identifies allergic reactions like rashes and hives.

IgG food allergy tests are available at our center, although it is important to note that they have not been medically validated and not endorsed by most medical societies.

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